Assistant in Nursing - Cert III, TAFE
Bachelor in Nursing - University of Wollongong
Health Management Aged Care - Grad Cert, University New England; HR Management, Quality Management, Gerontology, Management Issues & Practices.
ACFI Appraiser - TAFE
Training & Assessment - Cert IV, First Choice
Diabetes Education & Management - Grad Cert, University of Technology Sydney
Lifestyle Medicine - Grad Cert, Avondale University College
Wellness Coaching - Level 3, Wellness Coaching Australia
Deputy Director of Nursing
Residential Care Management Course - Aged and Community Services
Member of Commissioning Team in the Construction and Occupancy of two Facilities
OHS Consultant
Return to Work Coordination
Aged Care Accreditation Rescue Team
Assessing the Standards: Residential Aged Care Services
In Pursuit of the Sunbeam Household Model of Care
Nurse Educator
Care Plan Design
Dementia Care - Speak my Language, Best Practice, Leisure Activities
COVID 19 - Aged Care, Module 1-9